Understanding International Politics - Further Reading_Chapter 3

Further Reading - Chapter 3

This classical philosophy archives include primary and secondary sources focused on ancient philosophical texts from the Golden Age of Athens in the 5th century BC to the fall of Rome and the beginning of the Middle Ages in the 5th century AD: www.sophia-project.org/classical-philosophy.html. Scroll down to the Miscellaneous Classical Texts section to access Thucydides “The Melian Dialogue” [Peloponnesian War 5.84-116].

Conversations with History offers a wealth of video interviews, including ones with realist and liberal scholars such as Kenneth Waltz, John Mearsheimer, Stephen Walt, Robert Keohane and Francis Fukuyama: www.uctv.tv/cwh

Faculti is an academic streaming platform which gives access to video and audio covering the latest research and analysis in various fields: International Relations Archives | Faculti and Realism and Uncertainty in World Politics | Faculti

Information on the European Union’s priorities and actions, and the achievements it is accredited with: https://european-union.europa.eu/priorities-and-actions/

Information about the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and international cooperative efforts to tackle climate change: https://unfccc.int
