Understanding International Politics - Further Reading_Chapter 11

Further Reading - Chapter 11

Read about human security by looking at the 1994 UN Development Report that first coined and developed the concept: https://hdr.undp.org/content/human-development-report-1994

A contemporary simulation video showing a plausible escalation war between the United States and Russia that uses real nuclear force postures, targets and fatality estimates: https://sgs.princeton.edu/the-lab/plan-a

An interactive map that allows you to see what impact different types and yield of nuclear weapon can have upon any location in the world: https://nukemap.org/nukemap/

An interactive map of the health and environmental issues related to uranium mining and nuclear testing: https://hibakusha-worldwide.org

Personal stories from individuals directly impacted by nuclear testing: https://www.icanw.org/storytelling

Find out about all the treaties, conventions and organizations relating to disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation of WMD, along with their key dates, signatories and objectives by visiting the Nuclear Threat Initiative: www.nti.org

The UN Office of Disarmament Affairs webpages which includes a link to the disarmament treaties database, showing the status of all multilateral Arms Regulation and Disarmament agreements, including nuclear-weapon free zones: www.un.org/disarmament

The Centre for Strategic and International Studies ‘Significant Cyber Incidents’ timeline which keeps a record of all cyber incidents dating back to 2006: https://www.csis.org/programs/strategic-technologies-program/significant-cyber-incidents

The ‘NHS ransomware attack: What happened and how bad is it?’ analysis by Dan Milmo in The Guardian newspaper from 2022: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/aug/11/nhs-ransomware-attack-what-happened-and-how-bad-is-it

An article entitled ‘Deterrence and Dissuasion in Cyberspace’ by Joseph S. Nye Jr, published in International Security: https://direct.mit.edu/isec/article/41/3/44/12147/Deterrence-and-Dissuasion-in-Cyberspace

Read about global and national military spending relative to healthcare spending by visiting the World Bank databank: https://data.worldbank.org

The United States Congressional Research Service briefing entitled "Covid-19: National Security and Defense Strategy" from 2020: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF11525
