
Video and Web Resources

Visit Janet Cardiff’s website.

Forest Walk’.

The Telephone Call’ (includes a one-minute extract). 

Visit the British Museum audio guide website (includes six ‘sample stops’). 

Barnes Foundation on Andrea Hornick’s Unbounded Histories (includes a two-minute extract from Hornick’s soundtrack).

Barnes Foundation curator Martha Lucy (Deputy Education for Public Programs), interview with Andrea Hornick

Barnes Collection online: image of painting referenced in Hornick’s soundtrack, Bois de la Chaise (Noirmoutier) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir. 

Visit Rimini Protokoll’s Situation Rooms website (links to a three-minute trailer and two TV features in German).

Explanation of ‘Silent Disco’, staged at Coachella Festival, California (2016).

Shannon Yee's Reassembled, Slightly Askew:

Visit the Production website (includes a trailer for the show) here

Watch the 'Behind the story’ video (25 minutes) here.

Vancouver PuSH Festival (2018) performances of Reassembled (includes a longer trailer, a sound file and other video materials about the making of the show).