
Welcome to the companion website for 'The Practical Guide to Mooting' by Jeffrey Hill.

A must-read for students involved in mooting, this new edition of Jeffrey Hill's textbook has been fully updated and revised, and provides students with clear and compelling advice on every aspect of mooting.

The book covers:

  • key aspects of the legal system;
  •  the way in which moots are assessed;
  • what the judges are looking for;
  •  how to structure a legal argument; and
  • how to prepare a skeleton argument and bundles.

The text is accompanied by videos of Supreme Court hearings so that students can learn from, and emulate, the advocacy skills of some of the most eminent advocates and lawyers. You can purchase the book on the Bloomsbury website here.

About the Author: 

Jeffrey Hill has been teaching mooting and running mooting courses for nearly twenty years. In that time, he has coached many successful teams in major mooting competitions, such as the Essex Court Chambers / English Speaking Union National Mooting Competition, the OUP and ICCA National Mooting Competition, the UKLSA National Mooting Competition and the Times 2TG Moot. He is a member of the Advisory Board for the Essex Court Chambers/English Speaking Union National Mooting Competition and continues to guide mooters at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Manchester Metropolitan University.   

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