Suggested Answer to Exercise 5.2

Approaching the Question

This resource illustrates how to use the IRAC method to prepare an answer to Exercise 5.2.

  • It is in note form because you need to develop and practice your own style of answering questions.
  • You are expressly told that title to the land is unregistered at the beginning of the question. However, you must also be alert to any events in the question that might trigger first registration of all or part of the title (see Land Law, Chapter 4). Whilst it is best to keep the rules of registered and unregistered land entirely separate in your mind, you must be ready to use both sets of rules where it is appropriate to do so.
  • It is easy to be overawed by the complexity of questions like this one. In fact, they are relatively straightforward: primarily you are being asked to address the relative priority of the various interests being claimed in the house.
Before you go to the next page, make notes about the following:

  • What issues are raised by these facts (what do Clive, Lucy and Emma want to know)?
  • What rules will you need to use to answer these questions?
