Suggested Answer to Exercise 4.3

Approaching the Question

This resource illustrates how to use the IRAC method to prepare an answer to Exercise 3.2.

  • It is in note form because you need to develop and practice your own style of answering questions.
  • To successfully answer this type of question you ned to systematically work through the relevant rules in the LRA 2002. This means that you need to:
- know your way around the Act;
- know the cases in which the courts have interpreted the provisions of the Act; and
- be able to apply the relevant provisions and case law to the acts of the question.

  • It will rarely, if ever, be enough merely to quote or paraphrase material from the LRA 2002: you need to explain and apply the rules in your own words. However, remember to cite the relevant statutory sections as primary authorities, in the same way as you cite case names.
Before you go to the next page, make notes about the following:

  • What issues are raised by these facts (what does Agnes want to know)?
  • What rules will you need to use to answer these questions?
