
Comparative Government and Politics has introduced generations of students to the field and remains the definitive text for those approaching the subject for the first time. Fully revised and updated, the twelfth edition offers a comprehensive introduction to the comparison of governments and political systems, helping students to understand not just the institutions and political cultures of their own countries but also those of a wide range of democracies and authoritarian regimes from around the world.

FOR STUDENTS: an interactive Spotlight Map providing key information and statistics about the countries from around the world, a Guide to Researching Comparative Politics to help you navigate the multitude of resources available related to the comparative study of politics, and a Flashcard Glossary to help you test your knowledge of the key terms in each chapter.

FOR INSTRUCTORS: A set of PowerPoint Slides for each individual chapter, ready for instructors to adapt and customize to suit their weekly lectures, and a Testbank comprising 500 pre-prepared multiple-choice and true or false questions relating to the coverage of each of the book's chapters.

ABOUT THE BOOK: find out more about what makes this book so special and read some sample material.
